General Fiction Audiobooks

Your commute is about to get a lot more interesting and enjoyable. Here’s where you’ll find the must-listens of the year for general fiction audiobooks. You’ll love the riveting adventures, fascinating lives, and compelling storylines described in these new releases and bestsellers. Browse our compilations below and start listening to outstanding fiction audiobooks from a range of remarkable novelists.

Your commute is about to get a lot more interesting and enjoyable. Here’s where you’ll find the must-listens of the year for general fiction audiobooks. You’ll love the riveting adventures, fascinating lives, and compelling storylines described in these new releases and bestsellers. Browse our compilations below and start listening to outstanding fiction audiobooks from a range of remarkable novelists.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy audiobooks you don't want to miss.
Burma Sahib: A Novel
Burma Sahib: A Novel
Burma Sahib: A Novel
Burma Sahib: A Novel

Burma Sahib: A Novel

byPaul Theroux

“Paul Theroux has exploited this biographical lacuna with great shrewdness and gusto… his fictional account of Blair’s life there [Burma] is a valid and entirely credible attempt to add flesh to the skeletal facts we have of this time. […]this novel is one of his finest, in a long and redoubtable oeuvre.” —New York Times Book Review From the acclaimed author of The Mosquito Coast and The Bad Angel Brothers comes a riveting new novel exploring one of English literature’s most beloved and controversial figures—George Orwell—and the early years as an officer in colonial Burma that transformed him from Eric Blair, the British Raj policeman, into Orwell the anticolonial writer. At age nineteen, young Eton graduate Eric Blair set sail for India, dreading the assignment ahead. Along with several other young conscripts, he would be trained for three years as a servant of the British Empire, overseeing the local policemen in Burma. Navigating the social, racial, and class politics of his fellow British at the same time as he learned the local languages and struggled to control his men would prove difficult enough. But doing all of this while grappling with his own self-worth, his sense that he was not cut out for this, is soon overwhelming for the young Blair. Eventually, his clashes with his superiors, and the drama that unfolds in this hot, beautiful land, will change him forever.

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About General Fiction

For people who love to read general fiction books, finding the opportunity to pick up a book can be a challenge. Audiobooks are a convenient alternative to reading. You can listen to the latest bestseller while driving or gardening. It’s also a great alternative to limiting TV time. Audiobooks offer a hands-free experience so you can do just about anything while listening to your favourite author. From Diana Gabaldon’s Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, read by Davina Porter, to the classic Dune, written by Frank Herbert and narrated by over a dozen voices, you’ll find all the bestsellers that you’ll want to listen to. There is a complete category for anthologies, including collections of horror stories, love stories, mysteries and more. The best fiction audiobooks are stories brought to life with animated voices that emphasize dialogue by adding tension or humor to the narrative. Some authors, like Neil Gaiman, like to record their own books. The use of multiple voices is also used to add dimension and clarity to some stories. General fiction audiobooks are a great way to spend time together as a family. So many classics for all ages are available. Check out one of our best fiction audiobooks today.

For people who love to read general fiction books, finding the opportunity to pick up a book can be a challenge. Audiobooks are a convenient alternative to reading. You can listen to the latest bestseller while driving or gardening. It’s also a great alternative to limiting TV time. Audiobooks offer a hands-free experience so you can do just about anything while listening to your favourite author. From Diana Gabaldon’s Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, read by Davina Porter, to the classic Dune, written by Frank Herbert and narrated by over a dozen voices, you’ll find all the bestsellers that you’ll want to listen to. There is a complete category for anthologies, including collections of horror stories, love stories, mysteries and more. The best fiction audiobooks are stories brought to life with animated voices that emphasize dialogue by adding tension or humor to the narrative. Some authors, like Neil Gaiman, like to record their own books. The use of multiple voices is also used to add dimension and clarity to some stories. General fiction audiobooks are a great way to spend time together as a family. So many classics for all ages are available. Check out one of our best fiction audiobooks today.